About Us

Introducing Sunrise Painting LLC

Sunrise Painting LLC provides professional painting services to commercial and residential customers in Cheyenne, WY and the surrounding area. We use state of the art tools and equipment to offer unmatched services. We are a locally owned and operated business, insured for your protection.

Our services include interior and exterior painting for home and office, drywall repair, and power washing. We are willing to share our expertise with customers to recommend options and guide them through the process of color and material selection, and completing their project. Our friendly technicians cater to our customers' needs with on-time, superior service and high quality work. We offer free estimates, affordable and competitive prices, and military discounts.

Call Sunrise Painting LLC in Cheyenne, WY now to discuss your painting service needs with our experts, to request a free estimate, to schedule an appointment, and to find out more about all of our available services!

Our Services

Sunrise Painting LLC in Cheyenne, WY provides professional painting services to commercial and residential customers. Call (307) 207-5051 to find out more about our available services:

* Painting Services
* Interior Painting
* Exterior Painting
* Commercial Painting
* Residential Painting
* Office Painting
* Professional Painting
* House Painting
* Drywall Repair
* Sheetrock Repair
* Drywall Spackle
* Wood Staining
* Power Washing
* Pressure Washing
* Plaster Repair

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